“Central to the process of being somatically aware is a divinely humoured awe and a relentless curiosity.”
Richard Strozzi-Heckler
Somatic Sex Coaching
Individual or couple sessions, workshops and events.
This section of my site includes pictures of nudity and touch. Please enter here with caution if this makes you feel uncomfortable
Individual sessions, support groups and workshops for those seeking to heal and explore sex and intimacy.
Workshops and supervision for practitioners working in Sexological Bodywork, counselling and helping professions.

Hi! I’m Susan.
I am a Certified Sexological Bodyworker, Somatic Sex Educator and Counsellor. I offer individual or couple sessions and enjoy facilitating a range of workshops and events. Over the past two and a half decades I have worked with a diversity of people spanning the spectrum of trauma to pleasure. I bring mindfulness, compassion and loving presence to my work and have a deep respect and appreciation for what it takes to begin and continue a journey of discovery and healing.
Communication and consent
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Sessions are an opportunity to take a risk, find your voice and learn to notice and express your needs, boundaries and desires to others. We live in a culture where we are strongly discouraged and shamed around sex and sexuality. Breaking this silence and practicing the dynamic nature of authentic consent is an important and empowering sexual skill.
Erectile dysfunction
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Sessions are a safe and supportive place to unravel your experience, fears and intentions. Together with patience and compassion we explore, reclaim and discover embodied pathways to sexual pleasure.
Arousal anatomy and orgasm
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Very few of us receive quality sex education, yet most of us are expected to just know how to give, receive and create lifelong pleasure. Having detailed information about anatomy, strokes and the expansive dynamic nature of orgasm are valuable tools in the creation and experiencing of sexual pleasure.
Shame and anxiety
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Working somatically brings real and sustainable change in this area that can profoundly increase experiences of connection, intimacy and pleasure with others. Utilising foundational embodiment skills and offering a safe and affirming place to practice are key to being able to regulate our bodies and engage fully in everyday life.
What I can help with…
Touch and intimacy skills
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By slowing down and cultivating awareness and presence we can learn to experience deep and connecting levels of intimacy with ourselves and others. Learning new ways to touch, map and explore builds confidence, skilfulness and ownership of our pleasure and experiences.
Healing from sexual violence
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Reclaiming our sexual sovereignty and pleasure by working with body memory and wisdom is a powerful healing tool. By slowly and gently reconnecting to the body we begin to feel, shift and move from a place of stuckness to aliveness. Healing through pleasure with new information, awareness and skills supports survivors to reclaim their bodies, pleasure and intimacy with themselves and others.
Reconnecting with body and pleasure
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Learn how to get out of your head and be fully present and available to sensation in your body. Feeling and embracing the spectrum of contrasting sensation from subtle to intense, is a skill that expands our experiences and appreciation of our bodies.
Reliance on porn
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Move beyond the influence and reliance on technology and discover an endless source of embodied and expansive pleasure. By learning skills to deepen presence and sensation, we gradually reclaim abundant cyber free sensual pleasure.
Premature ejaculation
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Ejaculation choice requires embodied awareness and the ability to notice and regulate our own arousal. For many anxiety or performance pressure impacts on this choice. Experimenting and practicing some key techniques without agenda, rebuilds the presence and confidence required to enjoy the fullness of our sexual experiences.
Low libido
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Life and bodies change and so does our libido. With curiosity we can begin to unravel and understand deeper layers of arousal and desire and explore new and interesting aspects of our erotic self. With renewed awareness, information and skills, we begin to expand and use change as an invitation to venture beyond the familiar.
Partner connection and intimacy
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Build a tool kit of ways to bring meaningful connection with intimate others that are simple yet profound. Learning skills of presence, breath, touch and awareness can transform the boredom and dullness and invite new shared discovery.
Scar remediation
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Using castor oil and massage techniques for scars that impact on sensation or hold stories and experiences supports them to gently dissolve and heal. This beautiful and nurturing work is suitable for any healed scars from caesarean section to more minor injuries. Working in this way with scars from self-harm is a profound healing opportunity.
How I work…
I offer a somatic, experiential approach to people experiencing challenges regarding sex and intimacy as well as those who are seeking to discover or reclaim more pleasure and fulfillment in their sexual lives. My warm, non- judgemental approach encourages people to explore, experiment and discover the tools that work best for them, without the pressure of performance or agenda. I am passionate about healing through pleasure and facilitating people’s ability to connect and live more embodied lives. I am a member of the Somatic Sex Educators Association of Australasia and work in accordance with their Code of Ethics. My sessions are uniquely tailored to the individual needs and curiosities of clients and built on a foundation of ongoing authentic consent.

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When sex is challenging…what do I do?
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FEAST is a Lasagne – The Gift of Shared Humanity
At times of need, valued friends of my extended family bring us Lasagne.
It is a gesture of care and love and is by no means an ordinary meal.
They are Italian and the gift of this meal is imbued with the flavours and traditions of generations.
In every bite is deep nourishment that sinks into the echoes of our grateful bellies.
The aroma alone, fills us with anticipation and opens our hearts with gratitude.
You see, making this Lasagne is an art.
An act of love, care and generosity.
It symbolises community and support through food and time spent.
A gesture offered in the spirit of shared experiences of grief, sadness and joy.

Cultivating Curiosity – the value of not knowing
“Please, help me become the best lover possible…”
This is a common request I hear in a variety of forms from many of my clients.
Some are despairing after years of trying.
Some feel broken and frustrated.
Others are simply stuck.
But one thing that serves all of them well, regardless of what brought them to here, is to cultivate a spirit of curiosity and allow it to be their guide.
Curiosity is one of our greatest allies and an essential ingredient, on our journey to sexual confidence.

Where to begin – Building a life time of deep pleasure
Rainforests don’t grow from the canopy down.
They grow from the rich fertile soil, upwards.
They take many years to reach their fullness in which every plant and organism matters to the health and sustenance of the whole.
Every tiny seed, creature and plant supports and nourishes the other.
It is a complete ecosystem within itself, that relies primarily on the health and holding of the soil on which it has grown.
Cultivating our erotic health, intelligence and capacity requires the same wisdom.