When sex is challenging…what do I do?

Chris had been seeing a talk therapist for a few sessions.  It was useful, but not much was changing in the bedroom.  Chris has been married for 29 years and has two children.  He and his partner got along ok, except when it came to sex.  “My sex life is dying and I...

Beside my bed…

Beside my Bed… I am a passionate and creative human being. I love to write and draw. I love poetry and reading. I love to play. The items on my beside testify what delights capture my attention most in each moment. A conglomeration of meaningful treasures, books, oils...
FEAST is a Lasagne – The Gift of Shared Humanity

FEAST is a Lasagne – The Gift of Shared Humanity

At times of need, valued friends of my extended family bring us Lasagne.
It is a gesture of care and love and is by no means an ordinary meal.
They are Italian and the gift of this meal is imbued with the flavours and traditions of generations.
In every bite is deep nourishment that sinks into the echoes of our grateful bellies.
The aroma alone, fills us with anticipation and opens our hearts with gratitude.
You see, making this Lasagne is an art.
An act of love, care and generosity.
It symbolises community and support through food and time spent.
A gesture offered in the spirit of shared experiences of grief, sadness and joy.

Cultivating Curiosity – the value of not knowing

Cultivating Curiosity – the value of not knowing

“Please, help me become the best lover possible…”
This is a common request I hear in a variety of forms from many of my clients.
Some are despairing after years of trying.
Some feel broken and frustrated.
Others are simply stuck.
But one thing that serves all of them well, regardless of what brought them to here, is to cultivate a spirit of curiosity and allow it to be their guide.
Curiosity is one of our greatest allies and an essential ingredient, on our journey to sexual confidence.

Where to begin – Building a life time of deep pleasure

Where to begin – Building a life time of deep pleasure

Rainforests don’t grow from the canopy down.
They grow from the rich fertile soil, upwards.
They take many years to reach their fullness in which every plant and organism matters to the health and sustenance of the whole.
Every tiny seed, creature and plant supports and nourishes the other.
It is a complete ecosystem within itself, that relies primarily on the health and holding of the soil on which it has grown.
Cultivating our erotic health, intelligence and capacity requires the same wisdom.

A Personal Love Story

A Personal Love Story

Our love affairs are mostly with others.
They are often fuelled by passion, desire and intrigue.
We long to be together.
To explore, discover and embellish pleasure.
The chemistry of new love is compelling, and irresistibly intoxicating.
Many of us spend a life time trying to rekindle it or find it anew.
If we stay long enough in these love affairs, with intentionality and skill, we deepen, evolve and find erotic maturity.
It is rich and wonder-full.