“Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

About Susan

“Susan is a Somatic Sex Coach, Counsellor and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and lives, works and plays on Jagera and Turrbul country.   She is passionate about the transformational and healing power of sex and the profound beauty and richness it brings into all that we are and do.  Susan is an erotic explorer and skillfully supports people to discover, heal and expand their unique sexual self.”

   I am certified as a  Sexological Bodyworker, Somatic Sex Educator and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner.  I have a passion for all things embodied and deeply value the wisdom, pleasure and healing that comes with somatic and erotic exploration and discovery.

I have always been curious and enjoyed sex but growing up lacked guidance and information about my body and pleasure.   As a teenager I explored recklessly, reliant on peers and media as my teachers. As a young woman I unconsciously fell into conditioning and social expectations.   The seed of this work began with the birth of my first child and the healing and reclaiming that came through consciously navigating pathways to motherhood.   I discovered the wisdom, power, and potential of my body that had never been shown to me.  With courage I sought teachers, books and experiences that helped me continue to grow and expand.  Conditioning and shame gradually gave way as I transformed, reclaimed, and created opportunities for others to find their journey.  I no longer lived at a distance from my body and sexual self and to this day continue to value and nurture my ever-evolving eroticism and expression of it in the world.

As a practitioner I draw from a dynamic mix of somatic, psychological, and shamanic tools woven together with intuition and trust.   I have spent over three decades offering counselling, support, groups and workshops to a huge range of people from all walks of life.  I share my time and skills between grass root community organisations and private practice as I thrive on variety and understand that real change happens at both a systemic and individual level.

I have tertiary qualifications in Human Services and have done many courses and workshops in counselling and group work.  I currently have two business partnerships offering an annual sexuality and embodiment festival (FEAST) – www.feastunlimited.com and training and supervision to practitioners interested in working at the interface of structural violence and erotic liberation (REWOVEN).   My study with the School of Shamanic Womancraft gifted me with the wisdom of the Seasons and Cycles and awoke my ability to skilfully hold space for others.     I am current member of the Somatic Sex Educators Association of Australasia and work within their code of ethics.

I gravitate to curious, playful people who courageously dive and drink deeply at the wells of life’s possibilities. I embrace and cherish community with those who laugh loudly, love endlessly and dance wildly.


“The essence of my work is about supporting and resourcing people to meet the fullness of themselves,
their bodies, their longings and life. Finding within them the places of growth, of wisdom, pleasure and empowerment and exploring what lays beyond.”

“Despite 30yrs of happy marriage our intimacy had developed a sameness to it, almost a routine. We overcame initial nerves to meet Susan and are so thankful we did. Susan broke it right down to basics and her guidance has brought a much deeper level of connection and provided that spark we were searching for.”

L & M

“Susan shows a high level of integrity and commitment to providing quality education that allows those seeking their own sexual sovereignty the ability to move forward with ease and confidence.”


“I am personally inspired by Susan’s ability as a space holder and the skill it takes to work with everything present in dealing with complex areas of human dynamics and in particular sexuality and it's connection to everything.”


“I was not sure what to expect but I soon realised I was in expert hands and relaxed into the work. I found it easy to open up and be really honest with Susan, and allow myself to take some risks, which has been liberating for me. My relationship with myself and my partner has definitely been enriched by my work with Susan.”


"You are a remarkable woman. I watched in awe and admiration as you listened to yourself and journeyed to discover and know better all the parts of you. You found the light and welcomed the shadows, encouraging and supporting others to do the same. You prepared a road, paved the way, showed us your strength and beauty, and gave us support so that we were inspired to start the walk of our own journeys."


"Susan does not ask of me anything she has not asked of herself. Wisdom, support, guidance, honesty, trust are given totally and freely from Susan at the moments when most needed."