Would you like to be having sex that feels fantastic and is deeply connecting?

Would you like to feel confident, sexy and vibrantly alive in your body and life?

Would you like to learn practical tools that increase libido, build strong intimate connection and sky rocket your skillfulness as a lover?

This two-day workshop is for women and vulva owning folk and is packed full of fun, practical tools guaranteed to build your sexual confidence and spark your vibrant sexy aliveness.

Participants of this workshop walk away with:

  • Simple practical skills that expand and build arousal, spark ongoing libido and transform orgasm
  • Luscious practices to connect and deepen to orgasmicity and pleasure as a powerhouse to everyday life, aka Orgasmic Yoga!
  • Profound communication skills that transform relationships, foster desire and build potent authentic intimacy
  • Practices that foster radical unapologetic self-love

Included in this workshop:


Lunch, snacks and all materials

31 Day Self Pleasure Challenge Ebook


28th and 29th of August 2021

4th and 5th of December 2021

12th and 13th of March 2022

23rd and 24th of July 2022

Please note: workshops are designed to be a step by step process (starting with Sacred Cycles, followed by Simmer and then Transform). Participants are not able to attend Transform without at least completing Simmer. After completely a full cycle you are welcome to attend chosen workshops and retreats in the order that best meets your needs.

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