SIMMER – Two Day Workshop
Do you long for deeper more expansive sexual experiences and connection with self and others?
Would you like to feel more, live more and explore more of your juicy self?
Would you like to tap in and utilise your sexual energy to fuel projects, work and how you show up in life?
Many of us desire to learn and deepen our sexual selves but have never been given the foundational knowledge and tools to build on.
Here is the opportunity to not only get the sex ed you were never given, but to claim embodied foundational wisdom that will form a basis for ongoing learning and luscious sensual empowerment.
This two-day workshop is packed full of practical tools and experiential opportunities to learn, explore and embody practices that will spark your sexual energy and skills and resonate into every aspect of your being.
Built solidly on a foundation of embodied consent, participants are supported to explore topics such as:
The power of intending, presence and embodied awareness
Skillful touch techniques
The ecstasy and regulation of breath
Opening to vibration and sound
Allowing the flow of movement
Reshaping shame and leaning into edges
Orgasm and arousal
Embracing Body Positivity
Understanding and owning desire
Communication and authentic consent
Play to share with lovers
I would love you to join me for two days of connection, fun and deep foundational learning.
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